Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Godzilla (2014) Review

This is a better American Godzilla movie than the 1998 movie.

I'm pleased with this and I might think about watching the movies released by Toho in the distant future.

The story is about Ford Brody as he is finding out about these mysterious stuff the government doesn't want them to see and the next thing you know, MUTO (which looks like a giant prey mantis) is free and roaming the earth. So now its up to Godzilla to fight this beast off and to get the military to send a nuke to destroy them.

What can I say about this? For one, the sequences are well done, it really threw me off guard when Bryan Cranston's (Walter White of Breaking Bad and Hal of Malcolm in the Middle) character dies in the movie, the roar from Godzilla, and the overall atmosphere of the movie (at least better than that other film.)

But there are a few flaws with this like the monster for the most part isn't revealed until I think at the half-way point.

but overall, it's a better adaptation. To quote Jeremyjahns, "Godzilla is worth buying on Blu-Ray."

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

TheFerbguy - Yu-Gi-Oh (Review) Part 2

Now, It's time to conclude the two parter... or five parter by finally reviewing the latest Yu-Gi-oh movie.